Sunday, November 3, 2013

Simplicity at it's Finest!

Maybe it's because I cook so much and love food and have a belly, but I just had the ingredients around to make this simple breakfast happen. Sometimes the most simple things taste the best when paired with other simple things and the seasonings we all have in our cabinets. The only spices I used were Kosher salt and ground pepper, how simple.

I was trying to figure out something to have for breakfast and only had 2 eggs. I needed to feed 2 of us, so that wasn't going to be enough. I remembered I had some grav lox (salmon) in the freezer (the best place for it if you aren't going to use it that day). I had a couple of tomatoes, some spring greens, a couple pieces of bread so why not create something pretty. The best part about this breakfast was that the yoke from the sunny side egg, actually created a "dressing" of sorts for the greens and when mixed with the remnant juices of the tomato and the kosher salt actually made something quite wonderful.

Maybe I stumbled upon something fantastic, so I won't take credit for nature's ability to just be awesome, but I will say, this was so simple but so flavorful and amazing! Cheers!


6 oz. grav lox, smoked salmon or any cured salmon
2 roma tomatoes
4 oz. of spring greens
2 slices of bread (your preference of bread)
2 eggss
olive oil
kosher salt
ground pepper

The instrutions on creating this simple dish are actually pretty time sensitive if you not one for timing. Toast your bread while you get the oil hot in the pan. Fry the eggs for 2 minutes on one side, 1.5 on the other. Slice the tomatoes in 1/2 inch rounds, mound some greens in a bowl and make the salmon into round swirls. The whole process should only take ten minutes. Lay a bed of greens. Place the toast in the background (this will serve as a useful dipper), place the egg on the greens, the salmon on one side and the tomatoes on the other. Salt and pepper the veggies. Break the yolk of the egg to create a sauce for the greens.

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